Real-time Embedded Linux and POSIX RTOSs For Microcontrollers (MCUs)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Embedded World 08

Embedded World 08 was an exciting event - many thousands of attendees, all major exhibitors and much more. There was exciting new technology too - PIC32 was being pushed along with new MSP430 solutions and new offerings from nearly all the microcontroller vendors including: Renesas, Fujitsu, Luminary, Toshiba, NEC, and many more. Clearly microcontrollers, DSCs and DSPs are still hot.

One of the most interesting things I saw was the Luminary products. They are going to challenge the traditional microcontroller vendors with Arm M3 Cortex designs (32 bit design) at 8 bit prices. It should be interesting to watch.

The most interesting part for us was the fact that nobody knows that there is a tiny tiny embedded Linux compatible RTOS called Unison or DSPnano that they could use in the microcontroller space where other solutions simply don't exist. The microcontroller vendors understand the need but the customers don't know there is a solution. That is our challenge.

And Elke Antonia Bergmann, thank you for the great job at the show! You're the best! Now how can I hire more people with this attitude?

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