Real-time Embedded Linux and POSIX RTOSs For Microcontrollers (MCUs)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

CeBIT 08

The CeBIT show was truly a spectacular event. I would compare it to the Comdex show of years ago. It was largely IT focussed, with many things being split off into separate shows now. This included:

- embedded systems totally moved to Embedded World
- consumer electronics largely moved to a Berlin show
- competing Auto electronics shows
- competing industrial shows

The coolest things for me?

- 3D Plasma TV - not shabby, good view angle
- Lane change and wander warning electronics for cars
- A rack of Sun servers (complete rack, 19" style) running on 1095-1097W ... thank multicore.
- Low cost bluetooth chips from Korea ($4.80 USD in 10k without negotiation)
- 50 Chineese vendors charged for IP violations with a 5 year penalty in jail waiting for them!!!

I think trade shows are still fashionable in Europe - its too bad we don't have travel budgets for this in North America any longer. It was educational.

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